Category: Table of Contents

ARKY’s News, April-June 2017

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Inside This Issue. p. 1 Is It Interpretation or Extrapolation That Is “The Problem”? / Ronnie E. Cooper. p. 1 Reasons to Teach Creation Science / Mark Jurkovich. p. 2… Read more »


ARKY’s News, Jan-March 2017

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Inside This Issue. p. 1 Our Father In Heaven / Ronnie E. Cooper. p. 1 The One-way Speed of Light and the Age of the Universe / Kevin Hadsall. p…. Read more »


Design Science Association Newsletter, May 2017

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The Goldilocks Cosmos by Spike Psarris (meeting announcement). p. 1 Central Washington and Sinlahekin Valley 4 Day Family Camping Adventure, June 22-25, 2017. p. 1 “March for Science” Really?? p…. Read more »


Creation Update (CMI), May 2017

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Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth / Don Batten. p. 1 Alien Intrusion movie update! p. 3 Upcoming Events 2017. p. 4 Editor: unknown Creation Prayer Update,… Read more »
