Altenberg 16 Proceedings To Be Published

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The Altenberg 16

Mazur, Suzan. The Altenberg 16: An Exposé of the Evolution Industry.North Atlantic Books, 376 p. Pb, 9781556439247, $25. 2/9/10.

The book grew out of a story Mazur broke online in March 2008—titled “Altenberg! The Woodstock of Evolution?”—about the now famous meeting at Konrad Lorenz Institute in Altenberg, Austria in July 2008, where 16 scientists discussed expanding evolutionary thinking beyond outdated hypotheses. (MIT Press will publish the proceedings in April 2010.) Science magazine noted that Mazur’s reporting “reverberated throughout the evolutionary biology community.” – Publisher description.

Massimo Pigliucci, Massimo and Gerd B. Müller, eds. Evolution: the Extended Synthesis. Mit Press, 504 p. Pb, 9780262513678, $40. 4/10. [Altenberg proceedings]

In the six decades since the publication of Julian Huxley’s Evolution: The Modern Synthesis, spectacular empirical advances in the biological sciences have been accompanied by equally significant developments within the core theoretical framework of the discipline. As a result, evolutionary theory today includes concepts and even entire new fields that were not part of the foundational structure of the Modern Synthesis. In this volume, sixteen leading evolutionary biologists and philosophers of science survey the conceptual changes that have emerged since Huxley’s landmark publication, not only in such traditional domains of evolutionary biology as quantitative genetics and paleontology but also in such new fields of research as genomics and EvoDevo.

Most of the contributors to Evolution—The Extended Synthesis accept many of the tenets of the classical framework but want to relax some of its assumptions and introduce significant conceptual augmentations of the basic Modern Synthesis structure—just as the architects of the Modern Synthesis themselves expanded and modulated previous versions of Darwinism. This continuing revision of a theoretical edifice the foundations of which were laid in the middle of the nineteenth century—the reexamination of old ideas, proposals of new ones, and the synthesis of the most suitable—shows us how science works, and how scientists have painstakingly built a solid set of explanations for what Darwin called the “grandeur” of life.

Contributors: John Beatty, Werner Callebaut, Jeremy Draghi, Chrisantha Fernando, Sergey Gavrilets, John C. Gerhart, Eva Jablonka, David Jablonski, Marc W. Kirschner, Marion J. Lamb, Alan C. Love, Gerd B. Müller, Stuart A. Newman, John Odling-Smee, Massimo Pigliucci, Michael Purugganan, Eörs Szathmáry, Günter P. Wagner, David Sloan Wilson, Gregory A. Wray. – Publisher description.

From: Creation & Science Chronicle.

Additional information about the “The Extended Synthesis” can be found in Pigliuuci’s article for the Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, An Extended Synthesis for Evolutionary Biology.


CRS Mentioned In Plant Hybrid History Book

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Hybrid: The History and Science of Plant Breeding by Noel Kingsbury gives a brief mention of creationist Walter E. Lammerts on page 350:

Modern varieties may include an enormous amount of complexity–the ‘Queen Elizabeth’ rose, introduced by veteran breeder and grower Harry Wheatcroft (1898-1977) to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953, was of American origin, bred by Dr. Walter E. Lammerts (1904-1996), “known in the United States as the father of scientific rose-breeding.”

Lammerts was flamboyant too in a curious way; his approach to breeding may have been scientific, but he was also a Creationist, and in 1964 he became the first president of the Creation Research Society.

Kingsbury, Noel. Hybrid: The History and Science of Plant Breeding. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 512 pages. Cloth, 9780226437040, $35. October 2009.

University of Chicago Press
Google Books


The Evolution of Dinosaurs: Much Conjecture, Little Evidence

by Jerry Bergman
CRS Quarterly, Volume 46, Number 2,
Fall 2009, pp. 119-125.


The evidence for dinosaur evolution was reviewed, along with the various theories of dinosaur evolution and the evidence for their support. Dinosaurs are commonly believed to have evolved from a small, crocodile-like animal; however, a review of the known fossils provides no evidence for dinosaur evolution from non-dinosaurs, despite the excellent and abundant dinosaur fossil record. This finding is very significant because the bones of many of the average- to larger-sized dinosaurs discovered to date are usually fairly well preserved due to their large size and thickness. Dinosaurs appear abruptly in the fossil record and disappear just as suddenly. The fossil findings for several major dinosaur species also were reviewed.

PDF of article


Atheist Scott Hatfield and the Scopes Monkey Trial

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Scott Hatfield is an atheist who runs a blog called Monkey Trials – Evolution, Creation and ‘All That Jazz’.   Scott purports to be a “High school biology teacher, advocate for science education, part-time musician, full-time troublemaker and baseball fan.” Perhaps to save embarrassing himself, he should leave out the part about being a “high school biology teacher.”

You see, Scott put up a post on January 23rd titled, WE NEED A WISE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST FOR THIS CONSPIRACY!.  (All caps are his.)  Scott used the post to make a rather rambling rant against creationist Kurt Wise, Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum, Kentucky, and Texas.   Now, this is nothing out of the ordinary for the typical atheist high school biology teacher pajama blogger, but Scott somehow has come to the conclusion that the 1925 Scopes Trial took place in Dayton, Kentucky.   He even shows us a nice image of the ‘real‘ location of the 1925 Scopes Trial, with a paragraph of explanation in case you don’t get it:

chupacoon conspiracy

“In case you don’t know, Dayton, Kentucky is where the original ‘monkey trial’ showdown of Darrow and Bryan took place, with a chilling effect on science education. To cap it off, the most famous ‘creation scientist’ of Kentucky origins is none other than former Bryan College (Dayton) professor (and Answers in Genesis consultant) Kurt Wise…”

Of course, Scott assumes Bryan College is in Dayton, Kentucky and thus, that Kurt Wise is also from Kentucky.

Note to Scott: Next time READ the articles you link to in your posts.  Than you can at least get some of the basic stuff correct!

Let’s hope you are more careful in your Fresno, California high school biology class than you are with geography or history…


Denyse O’Leary and Giving Intelligent Design a Bad Name

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It’s not just evolutionists that have to wonder about Canadian ID’er Denyse O’Leary. This blog has also commented about some of her strange ideas…

In the current issue (Nov/Dec 2009) of Touchstone, Denyse has a review of Michael Flannery’s book, Alfred Russel Wallace’s Theory of Intelligent Evolution. She opens the second paragraph with this comment:

Darwin argued that natural selection acting on random mutations produces the intricate machinery of life.

Poor Denyse.

Once again she reveals a glaring gap in her knowledge about not just Charles Darwin, but evolution itself! Darwin did NOT argue that natural selection acted on random mutations. It was in Hugo de Vries 1901-1903 two volume Die Mutationstheorie (The Mutation Theory) that a theory of mutations was first articulated — some 20 years after Darwin died! Darwin knew nothing about genetics and mutations. Even checking Wikipedia’s articles on Mutationism or Hugo de Vries would have caught this major mistake.

*SIGH* Doesn’t anyone at Touchstone fact check submissions by authors???



New Zealand Playwright Arthur Meek Telling Lies for Darwin

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HuttnewsToday’s whopper comes courtesy of New Zealand’s The Hutt News. It seems that an award winning Wellington playwright, Arthur Meek, has produced a play called Collapsing Creation, which depicts a day in the life of Charles Darwin. The play’s premier occurred on February 12, Darwin’s birthday, but is being staged again for the anniversary of Origin of the Species.

Meek was interviewed by Rebecca Thomson for Hutt News in which he makes an outrageous and historically inaccurate statement:

“Darwin’s best friends were killed because of it [Origin of the Species], his health deteriorated, his family was torn apart — it’s a huge story.”

Darwin’s best friends were “killed” because of Origin of the Species? If that were true, we would have expected the evolutionary community to be howling this from the rooftops for the past 150 years!  And, he’s not talking about his play!

You can read another interview, Genius scientist’s longest day, in which Meek repeats the same whopper, although he adds this rather bizarre statement: “…I decided early on that I wanted the play to be more about the truth than the facts.”

But, telling lies for Darwin is better than telling the truth or the facts!



Telling Lies for Darwin Month

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November 24 marks the 150 anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Since November is the beginning of phase two of the 2009 Darwin Celebration, we’ve declared this month as “Telling Lies for Darwin Month”!

Our contribution to these festivities will be a series of posts exposing just a few of the lies, half-truths, and distortions made by bloggers, reporters, and the evolutionary community on behalf of Charles Darwin.

See these previous posts for examples of what to expect:

Creation Museum Archaeopteryx Reconstruction: Does It or Doesn’t It Have Teeth?

Martha Heil — Was She, or Wasn’t She?

Awesome Article at AiG’s New Online “Answers Research Journal”




The Universal Deluge: Alternative Hypotheses for Hardground Origins

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Creation Research Society Quarterly, Summer 2009by John Woodmorappe
CRS Quarterly, Volume 46, Number 1,
Summer 2009, pp. 7-14.


Transport processes can potentially account for in situ hardgrounds in the sedimentary record. Steadily accumulating evidence undermines the certitude of life-position inferences of at least certain fossils. Some turbidity currents and debris fl ows allow for the contemplation of large-scale transport, imbrication, and coplanar deposition of large, flat slabs of antediluvian hardground origin. Modern volcanoes demonstrate that released gas can cause the flotation of large rock slabs. Finally, many in situ hardgrounds show evidences at least suggestive of a composite, allochthonous origin. A hardground-conduit hypothesis posits that hardgrounds formed in pseudokarstic-submarine (underwater cavelike) structures. This solves the apparent problems of time and stratigraphically superposed hardgrounds. The hardiness of hardground organisms is just one factor consistent with this hypothesis.

PDF of article
