Category: Table of Contents

Our World, No. 121, 2017

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All in the Family. p. 1 Lots of Change But No Evolution. p. 1 Owls Galore! p. 1 Fish Change Quickly, But Don’t Evolve. p. 2 Beauty in Flight. p…. Read more »


Original View, 2017, No. 83

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Biomimicry: A Growing Science. p. 1 A Whale of an Idea! p. 1 Tough Nuts! p. 1 Taking A Leaf Out of Nature’s Book. p. 2 Inspired by Bees. p…. Read more »


Creation Update, Autumn 2017

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A Summer of Creation! p. 1 Professor Dawkins Banned. p. 1 Scientist Exhibits Medal-Winning Cycle. p. 1 Creation Geologist Wins Grand Canyon Case. p. 1 Media Watch, p. 2, 4… Read more »


Nature Friend, December 2017

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Let’s Take A Hike : Sharp-Tailed Grouse (photo) / Chris Walter. p. 2 The Birders’ Trail : Feeding the Birds / Aden Troyer. p. 3 From the Editor’s Quill /… Read more »


Nature Friend, November 2017

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Let’s Take A Hike : Chickadee (photo) / John Meyer. p. 2 The Birders’ Trail : An Unexpected Visitor / Cindy Breedlove. p. 3 From the Editor’s Quill / Kevin… Read more »


Nature Friend, October 2017

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Let’s Take A Hike : Ruffed Grouse (photo) / Melody Wood. p. 2 The Birders’ Trail : Warblers, Warblers Everywhere / Kathy Lehman. p. 3 From the Editor’s Quill /… Read more »


Acts and Facts, November 2017

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From the Editor : The Lord Is His Name / Jayme Durant. p. 4 The Unviverse Out of Nothing / Henry M. Morris. p. 5 Events : November. p. 8… Read more »


Acts and Facts, October 2017

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From the Editor : Details by the Master Architect / Jayme Durant. p. 4 Creation Salvation / Henry M. Morris, III. p. 5 Events : October. p. 8 Research :… Read more »
