Category: Table of Contents

Acts and Facts, February 2018

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From the Editor : Studying the Works of Our Creator / Jayme Durant. p. 4 God’s Wonderful Works / Henry M. Morris, III, / p. 5 Events : February. p…. Read more »


Original View, No. 83, 2017

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Giants of the Air: Did They Evolve from Non-Flying Ancestors? p. 1 “Beautifully Engineered” — Expert. p. 2 Did Humans See Flying Reptiles? p. 2 Do “Dragon Stories” Have a… Read more »


Our World, No. 122, 2017

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Did Our Ancestors Swing From the Trees? p. 1 How People Are Persuaded to Believe in “ape-men”. p. 1 Our Ancient Ancestors Were No Primitive. p. 2 The Pryamids of… Read more »


Creation Update, Winter 2017

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Inspiring a Genesis Reformation! p. 1 A Shameful Anniversary! p. 1 Encourage Critical Thinking. p. 1 Media Watch, p. 2, 4 Creation Moments : The Heavens Declare. p. 2 CRT… Read more »


Creation Science Dialogue, January 2018

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Creation Weekend 2017: Inspiring Weekend / Margaret Helder. p. 1 Celebrating Rhythm! / Margaret Helder. p. 1 New To Alberta: Dinos Centre / Tina Bain. p. 2 How Darwinism Corrodes… Read more »


Daylight : Origins Science for Catholics, December 2017

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Darwinism Led to “The Worst Journey in the World”. Front Cover. Editorial : Gnostic and Agnostic Certainties; Darwin Via the Huxleys to the Holloways; Theistic Evolution: a Scientific, Philosophical and… Read more »
