Think and Believe, July/August 2016

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thinkbelievejuly2016Table of contents:
Floods of the West Trip / Dave and Mary Jo Nutting. p. 1.
The Chalk Problem / Dave Nutting. p. 2.
The Global Flood (ad) p. 2.
Fabulous Chalk Beds / David Demick. p. 3.
Director’s Column / Dave Nutting. p. 4.
Yellowstone Creation Tour, September 2-6 (ad) p. 4.
Discover Creation Training Institute (ad) p. 4.
Kids Think and Believe Too! : And God Said / Lanny & Marilyn Johnson (insert). 2 pgs.

Editors: Dave & Mary Jo Nutting

Think & Believe, Vol. 34 No. 4, July/August 2016, free download, 4 pages + 2 page insert.

Alpha Omega Institute, 1011 N. 10th, Grand Junction, CO 81501

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