Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, Vol. 68, No. 1, March 2016

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respectivesmarch2106Table of contents:
Editorial : The Science and Theology of Creation and Sin / James C. Peterson. p. 1.
2015 Peer Reviewers (list). p. 2.
Brain|Mind|Faith : 2016 ASA Annual Meeting (ad). p. 2.
Articles : New Ideas in Evolutionary Biology: From NDMS to EES / Sy Garte. p. 3.
Articles : Human Evolution and a Cultural Understanding of Original Sin/ Benno van den Toren. p. 12.
Articles : A Proposed Model for the Evolutionary Creation of Human Beings: From the Image of God to the Origin of Sin / David L. Wilcox. p. 22.
Articles :Beyond the Cosmic Fall and Natural Evil / Denis O. Lamoureux. p. 44.
Book Reviews. pp. 60-72.

Free after 2 issue embargo

Editor: James C. Peterson

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, Vol. 68, No. 1, March 2016 quarterly, available by subscription $50 year or membership $85, 68 pages. ISSN: 0892-2675

American Scientific Affiliation, P.O. Box 668, Ipswich, MA 01938

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