Origin of Life ‘Proof’ Back in Evolutionary Thinking

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It’s been some time since we (creationists) have heard much from the evolutionist camp about origin of life experiments.  New York Times science reporter, Nicholas Wade, fills us in on the latest research showing Darwin was right after all.  Life started in a warm pond.

The United Kingdom newspaper, The Independent, gave it full page coverage and declared the problem solved!


Key to the origin of life?
By Nicholas Wade (New York Times)
Star Tribune, p. A4
May 14, 2009

The first living cells. “It is precisely because thiswork opens up so many new directions for research that it will stand for years as one of the great advances in prebiotic chemistry,” Jack Szostak of the Massachusetts General Hospital wrote in a commentary in Nature, where the work was published today. How did RNA molecules form?

Scientists have long suspected that the first forms of life carried their biological information not in DNA but in RNA, its close chemical cousin. Though DNA is better known, RNA performs many of the trickiest operations in living cells. If the first forms of life  were based on RNA, then the issue is to explain how the first RNA molecules were formed.

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Scientists solve the mystery of how the Earth was transformed
By Steve Connor (Science editor)
The Independent (UK), p. 15.
May 14, 2009

OF ALL the scientific mysteries, this is probably the greatest one of all – how did life on Earth begin? We are not talking about how it evolved into the diversity of lifeforms we see today. We are talking about how it originated in the first place.

For all his immense insight into evolution, Charles Darwin himself was stumped. He suggested that whatever the mechanism was that had led to the first replicating lifeforms, it most probably arose in some “warm little pond”, a primordial soup of pre-biotic ingredients where the seed of life first germinated on the early Earth.

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