Lutheran Science Institute Journal, Spring 2016

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lssi-journalspring2016Table of contents:
Feedback. p. 4.
Devotion : Claiming To Be Wise, They Became Fools / Mark Bergemann. p. 5.
Please Support This Growing Ministry. p. 7.
The Narrow Lutheran Middle Road for Creation / Mark Bergemann. p. 8.
Q&A : Is the Star Light Travel Time Difficulty Removed if Gen 1:1-2 Represents Long Ages? / Mark Bergemann. p. 22.
Book Review : Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation by Bill Nye / Mark Bergemann. p. 24.
Editorial : In the WELS: Growing Interest in Creation Apologetics / Mark Bergemann. p. 26.
Know Evolution : Dinosaurs: Feathers or Scales? / Mark Bergemann. p. 27.
Evolutionists Say Amazing Things : Bacteria Not “Primative” / Mark Bergemann. p. 32.

PDF of current issue

Editor: Mark Bergemann

LSI Journal, Vol. 30 No. 2, Spring 2016, quarterly, free digital, print subscription is $16/year (includes LSI Journal & LSI Bulletin), 32 pages.

Lutheran Science Institute, 13390 W Edgewood Ave, New Berlin, WI 52151

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