Journal of Creation, April 2016

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journalcreation30no1Table of contents:

Perspective : Global warming and ‘climate change’—recent developments and guidelines for discernment / Jake Hebert. p. 3.
Perspective : Argentina egg site supports BEDS model / Michael J. Oard. p. 6.
Perspective : The ‘Great Unconformity’ and associated geochemical evidence for Noahic Flood erosion / Harry Dickens. p. 8.
Perspective : Little erosion beneath Antarctica and Greenland Ice Sheets / Michael J. Oard. p.10.
Perspective : Naturalistic origin of the moon comes under hard times / Michael J. Oard. p. 14.
Book Review : Strong defence of the biblical Adam. A review of God, Adam, and You: Biblical Creation Defended and Applied edited by Richard D. Phillips. / Lita Cosner. p. 16.
Book Review : Irreconcilable records of history and muddled methodology. A review of 40 Questions About Creation and Evolution by Kenneth D. Keathley and Mark F. Rooker / Nick Sabato. p. 19.
Book Review : Is this life, the universe, and everything? A review of The Information Paradox by Robert Wiles / Alex Williams. p. 25.
Book Review : An atheist rubs shoulders with creationists. A review of Among the Creationists: Dispatches from the Anti-Evolutionist Front Line by Jason Rosenhouse / John Woodmorappe. p. 28.
Book Review : A northern Sodom? A review of Discovering the City of Sodom: The Fascinating, True Account of the Discovery of the Old Testament’s Most Infamous City by Steven Collins and Latayne C. Scott / Mrray R. Adamthwaite. p. 33.
Book Review : Developmental genetics supports creation theory. A review of Homology, Genes, and Evolutionary Innovation by Günter P. Wagner / Walter ReMine. p. 36.
Book Review : A very shallow anti-creationist book that emphasizes logic but is devoid of it. A review of The Three Failures of Creationism: Logic, Rhetoric, and Science by Walter M. Fitch / John Woodmorappe. p. 43.
Book Review : Science saturated with racism. A review of Race Unmasked: Biology and Race in the 20th Century by Michael Yudel / Jerry Bergman. p. 47.
Viewpoint : What does the Bible say about the fabric of space? / Alan Pace. p. 51.
Viewpoint : The geography of Genesis 8:4 / Bill Crouse. p. 56.
Viewpoint : The Cenozoic, Flood processes, and post-Flood catastrophism—problems and parameters? / Michael J. Oard. p. 63.
Viewpoint : Towards a creationary view of why speciation occurs / Jean K. Lightner. p. 70.
Viewpoint : Empirical data support seafloor spreading and catastrophic plate tectonics / Timothy L. Clarey. p. 76.
Paper : Changing paradigms in stratigraphy—“a quite different way of analyzing the record” / John K. Reed. p. 83.
Paper : Reversible autopoiesis—a foundational design principle for life’s survival Paper / Alex Williams. p. 89.
Paper : Evidence strongly suggests the Laurentide Ice Sheet was thin / Michael J. Oard. p. 97.
Paper : Pseudogenes and bacterial genome decay / Jean O’Micks. p. 105.
Paper : Languages of the post-Diluvian World Paper / Murray R. Adamthwaite. p. 112.
Essay : The Red Sea Crossing: can secular science model miracles? / John K. Reed and Carl R. Froede Jr. p. 122.

Editor: Pierre Jeriström.

Journal of Creation, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016, tri-annual, $39 for 3 issues, 130 pages. ISSN: 1036-2916.

Creation Ministries International, PO Box 350, Powder Springs, GA 30127. Website.

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