Historical Relationship of Geology and Religion Symposium 2007

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The International Commission on History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO) will hold their annual conference from July 28 thru August 5, 2007 in Eichstatt, Germany. The event is hosted by the Jura-Museum Eichstatt, home to one of the better preserved Archaeopteryx fossil specimens.

According to the Jura-Museum Symposium page:

Topics of Scientific Sessions

The general heading of the symposium, “The historical relationship of geology and religion”, will be addressed in specific scientific sessions on the following topics:

1. religious interpretations of the nature of the Earth and its history
2. geological research with religious motivation
3. life and work of geological authors with a religious/clerical background
4. geological institutions run by religious organisations
5. evolution and creation
6. other related topics

These scientific sessions will be held in the Bishop1s Seminary in Eichstatt on July 30th, July 31st, August 2nd and 3rd. August 1st is dedicated to a field-trip in the vicinity of Eichstatt. The conference language will be English.

A notice in the Geological Society of America, History of Geology Division newsletter says:

The meeting will offer a stage to openly discuss, from a historical point of view, this longstanding relationship, which in the past has been sometimes indifferent, sometimes fruitful, and sometimes full of conflict.
