Expelled: The Movie

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A movie that will revive the creationism debate
by Joseph Farah
Washington Times Weekly, page 32
March 3, 2008

There’s a movie coming out in April, and I can’t wait to tell you about it. It’s called “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.” Imagine what Michael Moore might produce if we forcibly administered sodium pentothal to him. That would be “Expelled.”

It’s a documentary in which my old friend and colleague Ben Stein takes on the role of Michael Moore under the influence of the truth serum. Mr. Stein tries to get to the bottom of our origin and whether there is any hint of design in our universe.

This is expose-tainment at its best. “Expelled” covers the following key questions:

• Were we designed, or are we simply products of random chance, mutations and evolution occurring without any plan throughout billions of years?

• Is the debate regarding our origin settled?

• How should science deal with what appears to be evidence of design?

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