Archbishop Ussher and Biblical Chronology by Paul Taylor (meeting announcement). p. 1.
Reminder: no DSA meeting in August. p. 1.
State Fair Creation Info Booth Volunteers needed: August 26-September 5, 2016. p. 2.
Creation Mysteries of the Gorge, August 6, 2016. p. 2.
Parkdale Hike to Study Mt. Hood Lava, September 10, 2016. p. 3.
Fre Meyer Community Rewards. p. 4.
Editor: Unknown
Design Science Association Newsletter,July 2016, monthly, free download, suggested donation of $5 per year for newsletter/$15 a year for voting membership, 4 pages.
Design Science Association, PMB 218, 465 NE 181st Ave, Portland, OR 97230
Creation/evolution organizations with electronic copies of their official publications