Category: Table of Contents

Creation Science Dialogue, February 2016

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Table of contents: Wonderful Weekend! p. 1. Living Waters (DVD review) / Jonathan Dykstra. p. 1. Other Creation Science Associations. p. 2. Celebrating Winter Communities / Tina and Andrew. p…. Read more »


Creation Matters, January/February 2016

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Table of contents: Scenes from the 2015 CRS Science Conference. p. 1. Now Available in the CRS Bookstore: Earth’s Mysterious Magnetism by Russell Humphreys and Mark De Spain. p. 1…. Read more »


Design Science Association Newsletter, March 2016

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Table of contents: Blind to the Obvious? (meeting announcement) / Bruce Malone. p. 1. Upcoming Creation Encounter Field Trips! : Creation Mysteries of the Gorge and Wildflower & Gorge Mysteries…. Read more »


Geoscience Newsletter, January 2016, No. 44

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Table of contents: Geoscience News : Field Trip for Teachers; Creation in Cuba; With Pastors in Israel p. 1. Educational Materials : Discovery Institute Summer Seminar on ID; The Designed… Read more »


Creation Bulletin, March 2016

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Table of contents: Meeting Announcement : Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus, Pt 2 / Steve Law. p. 1. Coming Up… p. 1. Science Fair West of Metro. p. 1. TCCSA’s… Read more »
