Category: Table of Contents

Nature Friend, June 2016

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Table of contents: A Trip to Waslala: Yellow-crowned Euphonia, Red-legged Honeycreeper, Blue-gray Tanager, Spot-breasted Oriole / Jason Yoder. p. 2. From the Editor’s Quill / Kevin Shank. p. 4. Invisibles… Read more »


Think and Believe, May/June 2016

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Table of contents: Costa Rica Adventure Update / Dave and Mary Jo Nutting. p. 1. Testimonials from the Costa Rica Adventure / p. 2. Guide to Dinosaurs (ad) p. 2…. Read more »


Acts and Facts, June 2016

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Table of contents: From the Editor : A Father’s Priceless Legacy / Jayme Durant p. 4. ICR Founder Henry M. Morris: A Son’s Tribute / Henry M. Morris, III. p…. Read more »


Creation Update (CMI), May 2016

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Table of contents: Christianity stands or falls on the historical accuracy of Genesis / Dominic Statham. p. 1. Upcoming events 2016. p. 4. Editor: unknown Creation Prayer Update, May 2016,… Read more »


Design Science Association Newsletter, May 2016

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Table of contents: Does Natural Selection Drive the Origin of Species? / Phil Gaskill (meeting announcement). p. 1. State Fair Creation Info Booth, August 26-September 5, 2016. p. 2. Clackamas… Read more »


Answers Update, May 2016

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Table of Contents: Ark Marketing to 21st Century America! / Ken Ham. p. 1. CreationWise (comic strip) / Dan Lietha. p. 2. Ark Encounter : The Ark’s Dinosaurs / Ken… Read more »
