Category: Table of Contents

Creation Update (CMI), August 2016

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“I’m a New Testament Christian” / Gary Bates and Lita Cosner. p. 1. Upcoming events 2016. p. 4. Editor: unknown Creation Prayer Update, August 2016, free, 4 pages. Creation Ministries… Read more »


Creation Prayer News, July 2016

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Table of contents: Faltering on the Flood / Keaton Halley. p. 1. Reaching ethnic communities in our own lands. p. 3. Feedback. p. 3. Never too young! p. 3. Gary… Read more »


Answers Update, July 2016

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Table of Contents: Ark Encounter Commemorative Issue. p. 1. The Voyage Has Begun! / Ken Ham. p. 3. CreationWise (comic strip) / Dan Lietha. p. 4. Ark Encounter : The… Read more »


Design Science Association newsletter, July 2016

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Archbishop Ussher and Biblical Chronology by Paul Taylor (meeting announcement). p. 1. Reminder: no DSA meeting in August. p. 1. State Fair Creation Info Booth Volunteers needed: August 26-September 5,… Read more »
