Category: Table of Contents

Answers Update, September 2016

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Table of Contents: Voting and the Ark / Ken Ham. p. 1. CreationWise (cartoon strip) / Dan Lietha. p. 2 Ark Encounter : Prayer For the Journey; Posing for Pagans;… Read more »


Our World, No. 118, 2016

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Bees do more than make honey! p. 1 Bees couldn’t have evolved to live the way they do. p. 1 The queen-makers. p. 2 Nature Notes / Geoff Chapman. p…. Read more »


Creation Update, Autumn 2016

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Full-size ark draws crowds. p. 1 Hundreds of children reached with creation truth! p. 1 Media Watch, p. 2, 4 Creation Moments : So where is everybody? p. 2 “Creationkids”… Read more »


Original View, 2016, No. 80

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Designed to Navigate. p. 1 It Evolved (cartoon strip) / Brett Miller. p. 1 Could Birds Evolve Their Skills? p. 2 Returning Turtles and Pigeons. p. 2 Bible-Believing Scientists :… Read more »


Creation Prayer News, October 2016

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It’s time to stop the FALLOUT! / Gary Bates. p. 1 Support CMI on Facebook! p. 3 Christmas time is here again (ad). p. 3 Opportunities abound everywhere. p. 4… Read more »


Think and Believe, September/October 2016

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Living in Uncertain Times / Dave and Mary Jo Nutting. p. 1. AOI Speakers–Taking Creation and the Gospel to the Nations. p. 2. Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels (DVD review) / Brian… Read more »
