Category: Table of Contents

Answers Update, November 2016

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Our AiG Voters’ Guide / Ken Ham and Mark Looy. p. 1. CreationWise (cartoon strip) / Dan Lietha. p. 2 Ark Encounter : Who Was Noah?; Ararat Ridge Zoo–From Design… Read more »


Acts and Facts, November 2016

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From the Editor : Count Our Blessings / Jayme Durant p. 4 Eternal Thanksgivings / Henry M. Morris, III. p. 5. Events : November 2016. p. 8 Research : Fresh… Read more »


Creation Matters, September/October 2016

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Future Leaders Student Sponsorships. p. 1. Math Matters : …when the moon hits your eye… / Don DeYoung. p. 2. Encourage–Educated–Equipped–Embraced–Excited: Confessions of a CRS Student Future Leader. p. 3…. Read more »


Answers Update, October 2016

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A Miraculous Tapestry / Ken Ham. p. 1. CreationWise (cartoon strip) / Dan Lietha. p. 2 Ark Encounter : Ancient Man; Screaming Eagle Aerial Adventures, Caring for the Animals p…. Read more »


Creation Illustrated, Fall 2016

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Table of contents: Giving Thanks from the Publisher’s Desk: Hidden / Tom Ish. p. 2 Sharing Our Mail. p. 3 Denizens of the Dark / Evelyn Sayler. p. 4 Creation… Read more »


Nature Friend, October 2016

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Table of contents: Let’s Take A Hike Leopard (photo). / Jaron Wood. p. 2 The Birders’ Trail : Little Brown Jobbies / Aden Troyer. p. 3 From the Editor’s Quill… Read more »


Acts and Facts, October 2016

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Table of contents: From the Editor : Dinosaur Mysteries Uncovered / Jayme Durant p. 4 Behind the Scenes of Uncovering the Truth About Dinosaurs / Jayme Durant. p. 5 Events… Read more »
