Category: Table of Contents

Think and Believe, January/February 2017

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Filters and Worldviews / Mary Jo Nutting. p. 1 Hibernating Bears and Students / Dave Nutting. p. 2 Discovering Creation Children’s Adventure (ad) p. 2 Dawkins’ Response to the Bombardier… Read more »


Acts and Facts, March 2017

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From the Editor : Working Together With One Mind / Jayme Durant p. 4 All In Favor… / Henry M. Morris, III. p. 5 Events : March. p. 8 Research… Read more »


Acts and Facts, February 2017

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From the Editor : Creation Matters / Jayme Durant p. 4 Creation Is the Foundation / Henry M. Morris, III. p. 5 Events : February. p. 8 Research : Monkey… Read more »


Nature Friend, March 2017

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Let’s Take A Hike : Violet Sabrewing Hummingbird — Costa Rica (photo) / Jason Yoder. p. 2 The Birders’ Trail : King of the Birds / Aden Troyer. p. 3… Read more »


Nature Friend, January 2017

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Let’s Take A Hike : American Robin Looking for Spring (photo) / Isaiah McKenzie. p. 2 The Birders’ Trail : Five Rare Birds on New Year’s Day / Aden Troyer…. Read more »


Creation Science Dialogue, December 2016

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Wonderful Weekend with Dr. Baumgardner. p. 1 Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s Faith Journey / Jerry Bergman. p. 1 Book Review : No Christian Silence on Science–Science From a Christian Perspective… Read more »
