Category: Table of Contents

Acts and Facts, August 2017

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From the Editor : Start the School Year Right / Jayme Durant. p. 4 Behind the Scenes of The Universe: A Journey Through God’s Grand Design / Henry M. Morris,… Read more »


Creation Update (CMI), August 2017

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Dinosaurs and the ‘Power of the Paradigm’ : ‘Blind faith’ vs ‘science’ / Gary Bates. p. 1 Upcoming Events 2017. p. 4 Editor: unknown Creation Prayer Update, August 2017, irregular,… Read more »


Creation Matters, July/August 2017

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Call For Research Proposals in Flood Geology. p. 1 Math Matters : Thoughts on Half-life / Don DeYoung. p. 2 Chambers Published First Modern Book on Evolution / Jerry Bergman…. Read more »


Creation Science Dialogue, July 2017

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In Science + Faith, Worldview Matters!: Creation Weekend 2017. p. 1 The Octopus: A Mixed-Up Wonder / Jerry Bergman. p. 1 Appreciating the Creation / Maxie. p. 3 Insights From… Read more »


ARKY’s News, July-September 2017

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Inside This Issue. p. 1 Big Announcement at the Annual ARK Banquet: Ron and Brenda Cooper To Retire. p. 1 Seeing Is Not Believing / Ronnie E. Cooper. p. 1… Read more »


Answers Update, July 2017

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Impact! / Ken Ham. p. 1 CreationWise (cartoon strip) / Dan Lietha. p. 2 Ark Encounter : The “Story” of the Ark, The Amazing Leopard Gecko, Steven Curtis Chapman–Live at… Read more »


Answers Update, June 2017

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“No God Like You” / Ken Ham. p. 1 CreationWise (cartoon strip) / Dan Lietha. p. 2 Ark Encounter : The Bible Is God’s Word; What Is a Tegu?, Steven… Read more »
