ARKY’s News, July-September 2016

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arkysnewsjul-sep2016Inside This Issue. p. 1
Weapons of Warfare: Using What God Gave Us for Good / Ronnie E. Cooper. p. 1
The Wonder of It All : All Creation Sings / Mark Jurkovich. p. 2
Values Defeated or Protected by Warfare / Ronnie E. Cooper. p. 3
Free Online Course. p. 4
AIG’s Ark Encounter Opens in Williamstown, Kentucky July 7! / Charlie Liebert (blog reprint) p. 5
Prayer Requests. p. 5
Wanted: ARK Foundation Vice President. p. 5
Did YOU Renew Your Kroger Rewards Program? p. 5
The Virtue Behind the Science / Tysan Lerner (Epoch Times reprint) p. 6
Kids Korner. / T.J. p. 7
ARKY’s Calendar of Events. p. 8
July Anniversary Sale! p. 9
Financial Statement 2016. p. 9
Membership Renewal Form and Bookstore Info. p. 9
Review of 21st Annual ARK Banquet with AIG’s Dr Terry Mortenson / Mark Jurkovich. p. 10

PDF of issue

Editor: Mark Jurkovich

ARKY’s News, July-September 2016, quarterly, free. 10 pages.

The Ark Foundation of Dayton, Inc., 2002 S Smithville, Dayton, Ohio 45420-2804. Membership: $25 for individual, $30 for couple, $40 for family.

Creation/evolution organizations with electronic copies of their official publications.
