ARKY’s News, April-June 2016

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arkysnewsaprjun2016Table of contents:
Inside This Issue. p. 1.
Grandchildren! / Ronnie E. Cooper. p. 1.
The Wonder of It All: the Human Body (review) / Mark Jurkovich. p. 2.
3 Trees: A Traditional Folktale. p. 3.
Soft-Sediment Deformation: Recent Flood Evidence (ICR reprint) / John D. Morris. p. 4.
Obituary : Jesus Christ, 33. / p. 5.
Prayer Requests. p. 5.
Wanted: ARK Foundation Vice President. p. 5.
Kids Korner. / T.J. p. 7.
Financial Statement 2015. p. 7.
ARKY’s Calendar of Events. p. 8.
Financial Statement 2016. p. 9.
Membership Renewal Form and Bookstore Info. p. 9.
21st Annual ARK Banquet with Dr Terry Mortenson. p. 10/

PDF of issue

Editor: Mark Jurkovich

ARKY’s News, April-June 2016, quarterly, free. 10 pages.

The Ark Foundation of Dayton, Inc., 2002 S Smithville, Dayton, Ohio 45420-2804. Membership: $25 for individual, $30 for couple, $40 for family.

Creation/evolution organizations with electronic copies of their official publications.
