Acts and Facts, July 2016

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actsfactsjuly2016Table of contents:
From the Editor : The Mighty Cypress / Jayme Durant p. 4.
Did Jesus Teach Recent Creation? / Henry M. Morris. p. 5.
Events : July 2016. p. 8.
Research : Seafloor Sediment Research: Nearing Completion / Jake Hebert. p. 9.
Impact : Subatomic Particles, Part 1: Leptons / Jason Lisle and Vernon R. Cupps. p. 10.
Back to Genesis : Circadian Clocks, Genes, and Rhythm / Jeffrey P. Tomkins. p. 13.
Back to Genesis : DNA Trends Confirm Noah’s Family / Brian Thomas p. 14.
Major Evolution Blunders : Breaking Dollo’s Law / Randy J. Guliuzza. p. 16.
Creation Q & A : Why Did Neanderthals Look Different From Us? / Brian Thomas p. 19.
Apologetics : Balancing Church and State / James J. S. Johnson p. 20.
Created for Earth, Living in Space / Truett Billups. p. 21.
Stewardship : Evidence of God’s Blessing / Henry M. Morris, IV p. 22.
Letters to the Editor p. 23.
The Book of Beginnings: a Practical Guide to Understanding Genesis by Dr. Henry M. Morris, III (ad). p. 24.

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Executive editor: Jayme Durant

Acts & Facts, Vol. 45, No. 7, July 2016, monthly, free. 24 pages. ISSN: 1094-8562

Institute for Creation Research, PO Box 59029, Dallas, TX 75229

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