A Hollywood (UK) History of Charles Darwin

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Now that fall is rapidly approaching, evolutionists are gearing up for phase two of the 2009 Darwin celebrations: the November 24th 150 year anniversary of the publication of “On the Origin of Species.”

Now there will be a another movie, along with the propaganda film “Inherit the Wind,” to show in public schools around the world:  “Creation: the True Story of Charles Darwin.”   One can only imagine what another Hollywood ‘history’ will contribute to brainwashing the next generation with revisionist history.

For additional information about the movie visit the website.


latimescreationdarwinScience, emotion clash in ‘Creation’
Nev Pierce
Los Angeles Times,  p. D4.
September 6,  2009

Almost 50 years after the Scopes “Monkey” trial received the Hollywood treatment in the original “Inherit the Wind,” the eternal friction between science and religion is back on the big screen with “Creation,” which opens the Toronto International Film Festival on Thursday. The British period drama tells the story of how 19th century naturalist Charles Darwin wrote his revolutionary book “The Origin Of Species” while facing opposition from his devout Christian wife and struggling with grief over the death of his eldest daughter.

It was a difficult time in young Darwin’s life, both personally and professionally. When he first advanced his groundbreaking theory that animals, including humans, evolved from common ancestors, he was challenging centuries of consensus between religious and scientific thinkers. Until that point, it was broadly accepted that life in all its complexities and forms was simply too intricate to have arisen naturally. But Darwin had painstakingly detailed the process of natural selection, showing how it was indeed possible, even probable, that nature was her own maker, concepts that have remained central to modern scientific thinking. Nevertheless, the creation evolution dispute marches on, and the discussion now includes the theory of intelligent design, which blends science with biblical accounts to argue that God’s hand may be the guiding force behind the natural processes of evolution.

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