Creation Magazine, April-June 2017

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Feedback. p. 4
Facebook Feedback. p. 5.
Editorial: Creation Is Just the Beginning / Don Batten. p. 6
Focus—creation news and views. p. 8
Spider Decoy: These and Spiders Aren’t Dummies (Or Are They?) / Calvin Smith. p. 12
Catfish Big and Small / David Catchpoole. p. 15
A Fullfilling Life: Interview with Russell Grigg. p. 16
The Cambrian Explosion : the Fossils Point to Creation Not Evolution / Dominic Statham. p. 20
OT Scholar: Genesis Teaches a Short Timescale. Interview with Dr. Travis Richard Freeman / Johathan Sarfati. p. 24
Mighty Mites Stifle Evolutionists / Shane Cessna. p. 27
Capybara: The Rodent Other Creatures Use As a Chair / Warren Nunn. p. 28
Bird-of-Paradise Flower: Pigment Surprise / David Catchpoole. p. 32
Creation for Kids : Marriage / Erin Hughes and Lita Cosner. p. 34
The Goodness of God / Lita Cosner. p. 38
The Puzzle of Large Natural Bridges and Freestanding Arches / Michael Oard. p. 42
Mummified Lion Cubs in Siberian Deep Freeze / Philip Robinson. p. 46
Cosmic Storytelling / John Hartnett. p. 48
William of Ockham: The First Protestant / Russell Grigg. p. 52
Pristine Saturn Problem / David Catchpoole. p. 56

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Editors: Don Batten, Lita Cosner, Jonathan Sarfati, Tasman Walker.

Creation, Vol. 39, No. 2, April-June 2017, quarterly, $25 for 4 issues, 56 pages. ISSN: 0819-1530

Creation Ministries International, PO Box 350, Powder Springs, GA 30127

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