World By Design Newsletter, January-March 2016

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worldbydesignjan-mar2016Table of contents:
Before the Beginning / Bob Moak. p. 1.
Are Your Sure? / Terry Ivers. p. 2.
Did You Make Yourself? / Randy S. Berg. p. 3.
Editor’s Thoughts / Terry Ivery. p. 4.
CRSEF Monthly Meetings. p. 7.
Creation Vs Evolution Quiz. p. 13.
World By Design Fun Page. p. 14.
Peer Review Bias (reprint) / Paul McDorman. p. 15.
Would You Please Help the Ministry of Creation Research Science Education Foundation, Inc.? p. 17.
CRSEF Membership Application and/or Donation Form. p. 18.

PDF of issue

Editor: Terry Ivers

World By Design Newsletter, January-March 2016, irregular, free. 18 pages.

Creation Research Science Education Foundation, PO Box 40226, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240-0226. Membership: $20 for individual, $40 for family, $15 for student, and $15 for senior.

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