Creation Matters, January/February 2016

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creationmattersjan2016Table of contents:
Scenes from the 2015 CRS Science Conference. p. 1.
Now Available in the CRS Bookstore: Earth’s Mysterious Magnetism by Russell Humphreys and Mark De Spain. p. 1.
2015 CRS Science Conference. p. 2.
A Parable of Design / Dave Woetzel. p. 3.
The Paranasal Sinuses Are Not Vestigal / Jerry Bergman. p. 4.
Math Matters : Vive la Difference / Don DeYoung. p. 5.
Matters of Fact : A Tale of Two Constellations / Jean K. Lightner. p. 6.
…without excuse! : The Testimony of the History of Evolution / Timothy R. Stout. p. 7.
Make Plans Now To Attend Creation Research Society Conference 2016. p. 8.
Speaking of Science from the Creation-Evolution Headlines / David F. Coppedge. p. 9.
All by Design : Tidepool Trickster / Jonathan C. O’Quinn. p. 12.

Editor: Glen W. Wolfrom

Creation Matters, Vol. 21, No. 1, January/February 2016, bi-monthly, free download of older issues or $38 for CRS Quarterly & Creation Matters, 12 pages. ISSN: 1094-6632

Creation Research Society, 6801 N Highway 89, Chino Valley, AZ 86323-9186

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