Reports of the National Center for Science Education, Vol. 35 No. 1, Winter 2016

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ncsereportswinter2016Table of contents:
From the Executive Director : Dear NSCE members / Ann Reid. p. 2.
NCSE 2015 by the Numbers. p. 3.
Willing to Fight: Mike Mann On Climate Action and Education (interview) / Peter Buckland. p. 4.
Place & Time : Canyon Ministries / Randy Moore. p. 6.
News from the Membership / Glenn Branch. p. 7.
What We’re Up Against : Avoiding “the E-Word” / Josh Resenau. p. 7.
Updates. p. 8.
NCSE Teach–News from the Teacher Network : A Challenge Accepted / Minda Berbeco. p. 10.
Sowing the Seeds of Change with NCSE Interns / Minda Berbeco. p. 11.
Scientists in the Classroom / Kate Heffernan. p. 11.
Science Booster Club–News from the Booster Clubs : Building Grassroots Support for Science / Emily Schoerning. p. 13.
Ask NCSE. p. 13.
The RNCSE Review : Evolving Animals: The Story of Our Kingdom by Wallace Arthur / Luke Holbrook. p. 14.
Best of the Blog: The Science League of America. p. 15.
Join NCSE (ad). p. 16.

Editor: Stephanie Keep

Current issue

Reports of the National Center for Science Education, Vol. 36, No. 1, Winter 2016, quarterly, free, membership $40 per year, 16 pages. ISSN: 1064-2358.

National Center for Science Education, PO Box 9477, Berkeley, CA 94709-0477.

Creation/evolution organizations with electronic copies of their official publications.
